

Welcome to seendoo.com. This website was created as a platform for the seendoo organisation, an organisation that takes action an effort to make a better future for all. Sign up to hear about relevant events and updates. 

Feel free to give some feedback on what you think about any subjects we cover and the website in general. 



Where are we based?

We are an Irish platform for environmental activism based in Cavan. We work with various organisations in Cavan, such as fridays for future cavan., Tidy Towns and CavanPPN. We also work with climate science to bring education on climate change to the county.

We organise and take part in community action and education as well as combating nationwide evironmental issues.




What are SeeNdoo's aims?

  • Climate action
  • Climate awareness
  • Climate action and education in all schools, through greenschools and technology
  • To protect our local environment and ecosystems


How does SeeNdoo take action?

The SeeNdoo organisation takes part in direct climate action by taking part and helping organise climate strikes and organising events such as cleanups and funraisers. 

We also put a large focus on education and awareness, working with people of all ages. Sustainable solutions involve everyone being aware of the science behind climate change and what exactly can be done to help

We work on innovative ideas and are open for anyone who has an interest in protecting our environment to get involved. To learn more go to events



For further enquires feel free to Direct Message us or email info@seendoo.com

Twitter:  @NdooSee 

Instagram: seendoo_org

Contact us

We welcome all feedback, suggestions or questions you may have.


Presentations free for classroom and home use